Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Is this my Monday?

I *live* for zumba, anyone should know that by now...today....today I just don't wanna go. :( I will...I just don't wanna.

It's been a slow, cold, uneventful day and I almost want to keep it that way. But I want to go to my room and close the door and just lie there in the dark. I'm not sure why.

Yesterday morning, I made an Almond Joy shake. It was delicious. I didn't feel like having a fruit shake, nor did I feel like having anything thick. So, I made it really thin and downed it. It was amazing. I had a 1/2 c. of low fat cottage cheese for a snack, with no lunch cause my tummy was messed up and then made madarin chicken in the crockpot and mashed red skinned potatoes with bacon and cheese in it. It, also, was delicious. During my online seminar, I got hungry, so I made a double batch of Almond Joy to let Nick try it and he was impressed, too. It settled me for the night.

I woke up this morning to snow, made a cherry banana breeze shake and went to Tanya's cause I was bored. She fed me a sausage muffin with cheese (I know I shouldn't have, but it was yum!). For lunch I had a small portion of dinner that was leftover and for dinner, I will skip taco Tuesday and have a shake and drag my booty to an hour or two of Zumba and hopefully shake this grump!

Accomplishments in the last week:

I am comfortable in jeans again
My shirts are magically longer
My "goal" bra fits
I said goodbye to 300, for forever!

My #1 most favorite accomplishment thus far....I am totally a stomach sleeper again! I can sleep flat on my stomach without feeling like all my organs are in my throat and having my stomach hurt! And I can breathe while I do it! YAY!!! (I know, I'm lame :p)

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