Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Double the pleasure, double

So yesterday, my Zumba instructor started teaching a back to back class. I really like the class at the Community Center and I had friends coming, so I went to both...I was curious as to how the class would vary by being at the gym. So, around 530, I ventured into town. I did the first class well, and had a lot of fun.

An hour later, the class was over. Nick picked me up to go to the gym. He was going to work out while I was in class. Class started and it was definitely harder. Not only is it on carpet, there are no mirrors and I was WIPED. I was so tired, but determined to do it. And, I did my best.

Woke up this morning and weighed. Lost 2 lbs and another 3/4 in off my waist. I'm a happy girl.

Today, however, my body is paying for it. Tomorrow, there is only the option of one class cause I have a prior obligation, but at least I get to go!