Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A missed Monday

I was actually quite upset when I had to miss yesterday's workout. I had everything figured out as to how we could squeeze a gym visit in, everything was going great....and then I spent the evening on the couch, resting the pissed off nerve in my back.

I hate sciatica.

I am pretty sure the first boy doomed me, before then I had never had any back issues. When I was 7 months pregnant with Devin, I couldn't get up off the floor because of the pain and then, it has never stopped. It has gotten much better in the event that I wear my shoes most of the day. If I walk around the house, shoeless, for more than a day, I pay for it.  Yesterday was that day. sigh.

We were going to take Devin to basketball practice and make a dash for the gym and then pick him up when we were done....around 8. Elijah was late getting home and dinner was late being cooked and I couldn't walk much, so I sat on the couch, feeling guilty as I ate my dinner. But, tonight is Zumba! And it will be 2 classes, back to back and I am super excited!

I didn't weigh this morning and I haven't measured in a couple days, but will have an update on that by this weekend.

I'm still eating too many calories on the days I don't work out, but I have found I am getting fuller, faster, so thank goodness my stomach seems to be shrinking! It's too hard to just give up all the foods I love. I just have to incorporate the better stuff in there...which is hard because on such a limited budget and trying to manage daycare food and a family of 7, I don't have a lot of the better stuff.

So, here's to hoping that changes!

Monday, January 30, 2012

If the food doesn't kill you, the exercise will!

I started a Zumba class nearly 2 weeks ago and have absolutely fallen in love with it. I go 2-3 times a week and find myself rearranging my schedule so I can fit a class in.  Now, mind you...I dance like a horse doing the macarena. It's not pretty. But, I don't care and I have found it to be effective. In fact, this is what I look like...

But, regardless, I love to do it and have lost 2 1/2 inches in my waist. And while the weight still seems to be fluctuating +/-2 lbs, I can see the difference in my flab already. So go me!