Monday, April 9, 2012


It wasn't my blatant attempt to go backwards this week, I gained about 3 lbs, and I'd like to think it's cause I am building muscle, but I know better ;)  I had a pretty hard week emotionally, and while there's no excuses in my book, I just didn't eat/drink as well as I should have.  I missed Zumba on Saturday morning for opening day of baseball, and never had a make-up work out so I feel incredibly lazy.  I ate like a pig yesterday (my cheat day), but really just shouldn't have eaten as much as I had. :p

So, the scale said I'm 295....boooo....

Today for breakfast is a butterscotch mousse shake with a nice big salad for lunch and I have no clue what's for dinner yet.  Maybe a meatloaf with leftover veggies from yesterday's fabulous Easter dinner!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Did you hear the one about the girl?

Me either.

This week hasn't gone my way, but it's almost over and I can only pray next week is better/back to "normal".  I started back to Zumba last Saturday.  Felt good to get back.  Our normal instructor was on vacation, but I still had fun.  I got to go back to a normal Ivorie taught class on Tuesday and it was AMAZING.  She introduced new stuff and it was so fun, that I am still sore from that workout!  I find myself walking around the house when music is on doing this one move looking like a 'tard, but lovin' the way it feels.

I haven't lost any more weight, but I haven't gained it, either, which is good.  I have been having a hard week emotionally and haven't EXACTLY been turning to food for comfort, but I sure want to.  I have usually been having one shake a day...still want to up it to 2, but just doesn't seem like I have does that work?

I went to Zumba tonight, had a blast.  Realized tonight I can't go Saturday cause it's opening day for baseball, but that is exciting all in itself!